Want to make a change to your Peloton Subscription?

We're here to help. Choose from the options below. Remember you can pause your subscription for up to 3 months at any time.
In order for us to better help you, please enter your subscription ID(s), the email address associated with the paying account holder, and the number of subscriptions you’d like to modify.

Here’s how to find your subscription ID. Navigate to Preferences > Subscriptions & Billing > ID. Then, copy your full subscription ID. Don’t see a subscription ID in your settings? Make sure you’re logged in to the subscription holder’s Peloton account (i.e., email address associated with the paying account holder).

Note: please do not include inactive subscriptions. If you have multiple subscriptions and are unsure of which subscription ID you would like to modify, just list all of the subscription IDs in question and reference the city and state where your Bike was delivered in the “additional comments” section below.

Unsure which subscription ID you would like to modify? Enter the city where your Bike was delivered.
If you are still unable to locate your subscription ID, please call our Support team at 1-833-962-3002.


Please click on the “Next” button below to confirm you would like to pause your subscription.


We’re sorry to see you go! Before you cancel, have you considered pausing your subscription instead? Take a minute to explore some of the great benefits of your Peloton subscription that you may have missed:
  • Unlimited access to all-new classes on Peloton Digital, including total body, outdoor, strength and more, available to stream anywhere via your favorite iOS devices 
  • Frequent software updates including requested features such as Power Zones on your touchscreen, ability to filter for classes with and without arms segments, and ability to preview music playlists by class
  • 12 unique, expert instructors riding right alongside you
  • 9,000+ on-demand classes and 15+ new live studio classes added every day
  • Robust performance tracking metrics and a leaderboard of other riders to keep you inspired
  • A supportive community of hundreds of thousands of Peloton Members
  • New challenges and badges to keep you reaching for new milestones 


Did you know you can pause your subscription? If you anticipate getting back on the bike soon, we can help you pause your subscription.

Did you know you can pause your subscription? If you anticipate getting back on the bike soon, we can help you pause your subscription.
Plus, did you know you can enjoy Peloton from anywhere on iOS? Tap into unlimited workouts including total body, outdoor, running, strength and more, via Peloton Digital as part of your current Peloton subscription. 

Have you explored our shorter and beginner classes? Learn proper form and safe, endurance-building techniques with our 20- and 30-min rides, or try our all-new outdoor, running, total body, strength and more classes on Peloton Digital via your favorite iOS devices. It’s all part of your existing Peloton subscription.  

We’re sorry to hear you are not enjoying your Peloton workouts.  Have you tried our class filter option, which lets you find classes by length, music genre, instructor or style? You can also preview class playlists for on-demand rides to find music that will keep you motivated. 

Let us help you discover classes we think you will enjoy. Take our interactive survey to find out which instructors fit your preferences, or give us a call at 1-833-962-3002 for suggestions tailored just for you.  

We’re sorry that you find the subscription too expensive. Have you considered pausing your subscription? You may be able to get your Peloton subscription reimbursed by your employer or insurance company (more info on this can be found here). 

Also, did you know you get unlimited profiles on the Bike? Plus, you and your whole family can now also access every Peloton class, including all-new total body and outdoor classes, on your iOS devices as part of your membership. 

We’re sorry to hear that you’re having issues with our hardware. Let us make it right. Please give us a call at 1-833-962-3002 so we can get you back up and riding.

We’re sorry to hear that you’re having issues with our software. Let us make it right. Please give us a call at 1-833-962-3002 so we can get you back up and riding.

Did you know you can pause your subscription? If you anticipate getting back on the bike soon, we can help you pause your subscription.
Plus, did you know you can enjoy Peloton from anywhere on iOS? Tap into unlimited workouts including total body, outdoor, running, strength and more, via Peloton Digital as part of your current Peloton subscription. 

We’ll make sure your feedback is shared with the appropriate teams. Are you sure you want to cancel? You also have the option to pause your subscription. 

Click "Next Page" below to get started with pausing your subscription.


Please click on the “Confirm” button below to confirm you would like to pause your subscription.